Digg received higher offers from bidders that included technology and publishing companies and start-ups but ultimately decided Betaworks had the best plan for reviving its brand, these people said. In May, Washington Post Co. hired 15 members of Digg's engineering team—more than half of the company's overall staff—for its SocialCode digital media subsidiary. via 华尔街日报
DIGG的前途: 将与 Betaworks 的手机新闻应用 News.me 整合
Betaworks 的 CEO John Borthwick 将担任 Digg 的 CEO,他承诺,将重新打造 Digg 团队,让它回到初创团队的状态,“低预算、小团队、快速反应”。Borthwick 称公司过去六个月时间里一直思考,如何令 Digg 回归原来的价值,真正帮助用户发现互联网中的内容。根据 comScore 的数据,目前 Digg 平均每月依然有 700 万人浏览。
Betaworks intends to fold Digg into News.me Inc., a digital media start-up that Betaworks launched in April 2011. News.me sends users links to news articles that their connections on Twitter and Facebook are reading and talking about. News.me, which uses an iPad and iPhone app and daily email newsletter, has about 10 employees. via 华尔街日报