

2015-10-27 23:12
Q&A: How does Insider talk about Chinese Credit Score System

Huxiu interviewed an insider of the so-called credit score system, and she answered for the common concerns of foreign media. Let’s see how insider talks about Chinese credit score system.

Huxiu has done some editing.

Q: As the social credit system is expected to be built by 2020, will products like Sesame Scores be mandatory by 2020?

A: First of all, the 5-year plan is just a draft now. It’s not a law or a regulation which every company should obey. Companies usually do not judge or comment on draft or documents which has not yet be formally introduced. As for whether Sesame will be mandatory by 2020, I cannot give a certain answer, because five years are too long for an internet company to make any certain judgement. But considering Sesame’s behavior since its launch, Sesame will not force its users turn on this service, because all data Sesame are using is based on information which users agreed to reveal.

Q: Can you tell us how the “Big Data Calculation” works?

A: Sesame uses five dimensions – as stated on its website – to calculate users’ credit scores. However, I cannot reveal the weight of every dimension and the details such as which information is used in each dimension, because it’s the core of Sesame’s business modal. As for the transparency of data, Sesame will inform users when their scores have a sudden fall, and tell them the reasons. Users can also report to us if they have some complaints.

Sesame not only use online information, but also access to data from other platforms such as China Higher Education Student Information and Career Center (CHESICC) which is concerned with education. Sesame uses data both from online and offline, and have access to social organizations which are all relevant to one’s credibility.

Q: Some foreign media mentioned that “buying certain goods will improve your score, while others (such as video games) will lower it”. Is it true that buying video games will lower one’s credit score?

A: I can speak for sure that Sesame scores won’t fall purely because one bought video games. As for whether we can identify the types of commodity in our calculation, I’m not sure. But logically thinking, sesame cannot easily access data from Taobao and T-mall, because these are two independent companies, let along other companies and institutions which are not related to Alibaba. It depends on what information these companies and institutions are willing to give us.

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