老榕:Jack, why don't you try to gain some registraion fees from your customers, plus some additional service now? (马云,你为什么不现在就开始向你的用户们收取点注册费,同时向他们提供一些附加的服务? )
马云:It's easy…It's always easy to start something but hard to make it last long and well. We can charge money but we need to make sure our services can be good enough to have scable and sustanable revenue. We are still at the stage of laying foundations for alibaba. He is only 23 monthes old. (这很容易呀。这件事开始做起来是很容易,但如果想长久地做下去,并且想做的很好就难了。我们也可以收费,但是前提是我们要确信我们提供的服务是令人满意的,确实可以不断地为我们带来稳定的收入。 现在,我们阿里巴巴还在做一些基础建设。毕竟阿里巴巴从成立到现在只有23个月的时间。 )
老榕:I see. Do you have any plan to do so? When? How? Excuse me, it's a question I always want to ask you. But every time I meet you, the topical go away and become something about wine, westlake。。。(噢我明白了··· 那你现在有没有计划这么做?是什么时候?打算怎么做?其实这个问题我一直都想问你,但是每次我碰到你,我们总是会不由自主的谈起酒,西湖··· )
马云:Sure! we do! hahahahahah! Wine is always good especially with friends. It's a great treatment to drink good wine but it takes time to make the wine. Plan is easy to have but takes time to carry out, right?:) (我们当然有这个计划了。hahahahaha ,葡萄酒总是好东西,尤其是与哥们把盏对酌的时候。不过,葡萄酒虽然醇美,但是酿制葡萄酒却很费时间,计划也是制定容易实施难,对吗?:) ))
老榕:Great sample! TKS! See you next time with good Chinese wine.(这个例子真是太棒了! 谢谢啦!下次再见面我们一定要开怀畅饮! )
马云:hahahaha! We always know: At right with right thing and right people! Cheers! (Hahahahaha!在恰当的地点和恰当的人做恰当的事情,这是最好不过的事情。 干杯! )