(If I could go back and redo my twenties, there would be one thing I’d do more of: just try hacking things together. Like many people that age, I spent a lot of time worrying about what I should do. I also spent some time trying to build stuff. I should have spent less time worrying and more time building. If you’re not sure what to do, make something.)
同样的,假设你想通过互联网做一个建筑领域的在线教育社区。你不应该一上来就开发一个带有视频功能的社区网站,否则至少三个月就这样被消耗掉了。你只需要豆瓣小组/百度贴吧/Discuz论坛+优酷。我想你懂我的意思了。Don’t go for fancy points. Being fancy is not why we build a startup.
从这个角度说,一个好的创意确实是所有创业要素中最重要。我的观点是,Product-Market Fit比团队和执行都更要重要。更有甚者,例如阅项目无数的著名连续创业家、兼风险投资家、兼硅谷大神Marc Andreesen,称之为The Only Thing That Matters。感兴趣的朋友可以仔细阅读这个观点背后的深层逻辑,这里就不展开了。